вторник, 28 апреля 2009 г.

Would a Taliban Regime Bring a Truly Different Pakistan?

Original: Would a Taliban Regime Bring a Truly Different Pakistan?

For the last several days, I've been surprised by the response of friends to the topic of the Taliban's march in Pakistan. The takeaway, according to them: A Taliban government would change little for the vast majority of Pakistanis; certainly, such a shift in power does not threaten the Pakistani state.

That is correct if public floggings, hangings and amputations -- all hallmarks of Taliban rule in Afghanistan -- are not a shift for Pakistanis; for my friends concerned with the metric of political risk, it will be interesting to watch the market's reaction to Taliban control of the country's nuclear weapons.

According to some excellent nk" href="http://www.registan.net/index.php/2009/04/26/tentative-steps-toward-opposition-maybe/">takes note of the Hanif report, and now seems more concerned about the news than he expressed previously.

The latest reports are that the Pakistan Army is fighting back with helicopter gunships. The Taliban has pulled back a bit. But the fighting will go on. A cleric who has been brokering talks between the government and the Taliban has severed the negotiations, accusing the government of violating the peace accord by attackin boding in Islamabad in the Washi

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